Christian Schulte is a professor of computer science at the division Software and Computer Systems, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. He is a member of the Model-based Computing Systems (MCS) research group. At KTH, he serves as program director for the doctoral program "Information and Communication Technology" and as co-director of the CASTOR Software Research Centre. He is serving as secretary and elected member on the executive committee of the Association of Constraint Programming (2019-2022).
Before joining KTH in 2002, he got a diploma in computer science (with a minor in mathematics) from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany (1992), worked as a researcher and project leader at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) (1992-1997) and as a researcher at Saarland University, Germany (1997-2002), from which he also obtained a doctoral degree in engineering (2001). At KTH, he obtained a docent degree in computer systems in 2009. Christian also worked as an expert researcher at RISE SICS (2010-2018).
His research interests include constraint programming, programming systems, and distributed systems.
His current research focus is on constraint-based compilation and on models, architectures, and implementation techniques for constraint programming systems. Christian is heading the development of Gecode as an attempt to construct an open, free, portable, accessible, and efficient environment for developing constraint-based systems and applications.
Christian likes building software systems with impact. See for example Ericsson's research blog about Unison, the joint KTH, RISE SICS, and Ericsson project in constraint-based code generation. Or how SAP uses Gecode, also available as a popular science story from KTH.
Current Activities
- Program committee member, CC 2020, San Diego, CA, USA. February 2020.
- Program committee member, AAAI 2020, New York, NY, USA. February 2020.
Teaching 2018/2019
- Compilers and Execution Environments (ID2202)
(period 2)
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The course can also be taken on doctoral level (ID3006), please contact me if you are interested. - Constraint Programming (ID2204)
(period 4)
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The course can also be taken on doctoral level (ID3005), please contact me if you are interested. - Individual Advanced Studies in Software Systems (ID2205)
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