Thread-based Mobility in Oz

Dragan Havelka, Christian Schulte, Per Brand, Seif Haridi.

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Strong mobility enables migration of entire computations combining code, data, and execution state (such as stack and program counter) between sites of computation. This is in contrast to weak mobility where migration is confined to just code and data. Strong mobility is essential for many applications where reconstruction of execution states is either difficult or even impossible: load balancing, reduction of network latency and traffic, and resource-related migration, just to name a few. This paper presents a model, programming abstractions, implementation, and evaluation of thread-based strong mobility. The model extends and takes advantage of a distributed programming model based on automatic synchronization through dataflow variables. It comes as a natural extension of dataflow computing which carefully separates issues concerning distribution and mobility. The programming abstractions capture various migration scenarios which differ in how the source and destination site relate to the site initiating migration. The implementation is based on replicating concurrent lightweight threads between sites controlled by migration managers.

In: Peter Van Roy, editor, Multiparadigm Programming in Mozart/Oz: Second International Conference, Charleroi, Belgium, volume 3389 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 137-148. October, 2004.

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